Define PQL Matrice

Define PQL Matrice

The Product-Qualified Lead (PQL) Matrice will help you decide what combination of Customer Fit and Product Adoption Score makes your trial reach the “Qualified” status, which you can use to trigger automations dedicated to conversion.

Each line, referring to the Customer Fit segments and column, or referring to the Product Adoption segments include a 25% score range (0 to 24, 25 to 49, 50 to 74 and 75 to 100).

To define which leads have to be considered as Qualified, you need to select the cell and turn it in green.

If you click on the top right of the Matrix, it means that the qualified trials would need a high Customer Fit Score and a high Product Adoption Score.

If you click on the Top left of the Matrix, it means that the qualified trials would need a high Customer Fit Score and a low Product Adoption Score - in which case it might be interesting to check with the customer what’s blocking them in using your product.

If you click on the Bottom right of the Matrix, it means that the qualified trials would need a low Customer Fit Score and a high Product Adoption Score - in which case it would be interesting to follow the expansion of the customer who can grow and match better with your Customer Fit Score.

For more options, please refer to our guide dedicated to trial conversion, build a world class conversion process”.

The next article is about: Define your lead Pipeline

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