How to personnalize the views


Each segment, lifecycle, pipeline, etc. comes with a datatable presentation for which you can personnalize the columns under a list of views.

Each view is a set (list and order) of columns that includes all the traits of your contacts and accounts and can either be personal or shared with your team.

When defining your names of the views, make sure to use names that speak for themselves!

If you don’t want to overload your columns, you can define views per type of information displayed, such as Main information (created at, trial end, subscription_ends, MRR, etc.), Usage Metrics, Main Scores, etc.


For the datatable views, you can personnalize the cards displayed in the pipelines.

Each card can be personal or shared, and may include any trait related to your signups and customers.

If you don’t want to overload your cards, you can define views per type of information displayed, such as Main information (created at, trial end, etc.), Usage Metrics, Main Scores, etc.

The next article is about: Define customer fit

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