Define customer fit

Define customer fit

The Successeve Customer Fit is a signal-based score, ranked from 0 to 100, depending on the number of scores matched.

The Customer Fit will allow you to understand how many of your signups are a good fit for your company. It can also be used to determine wether the signups qualify for a human-touch with your Sales team or need to be routed to a self-service plan.

To define your Customer Fit, you need to define signals that will have their own particular weight depending on the importance of the signal.

Each signal is based on logical conditions that include firmographics elements, such as the company size, the country of origin, the language of the person who signed-up, or other traits such as the technologies used, for instance.

Signals weight and results, the cheatsheet

Signals weight will have a direct impact on the output of the score.

Keeping the same weight for each signal will give you you the following possibilities:

In addition to the score itself, the Customer Fit score brings two additionals traits:

• Customer Fit Segment: either “No Match”, “Partial Match”, “Good Match”, “Perfect Match”

• Customer Fit Signals: list of the signals matched

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Looking forward to implement a world-class conversion process? Here is a step by step guide that will help you.

The next article is about: Define production adoption

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