How to create a segment

How to create a segment

For each one of its products, Successeve provides powerful segmentation capacities that help you group your Contacts and Accounts into a single view or identify more complex patterns such as the detection of risk factors.

Before creating a segment, it is paramount to to ask yourself wether your want to group a list of end-users or companies.

Then, you will have the ability to either create a Private segment or Shared segment to collaborate with your team.

Note: only Shared segments can be used as a trigger for your automations.


• Manual vs Automated:

By using the manual option you will have the ability to list a group of contacts / accounts matching some conditions when you create the segment. You will be able to make a contact / account enter the segment by selecting them and using the Actions command “Move to segment”. If you want to refresh the segment you will need to edit it, and save it again.

The automated segment will refresh automatically, you will not have to refresh it yourself. Any contact or account matching the conditions of the segment will enter it, and leave it when it will no longer match the conditions.

• Locked or not:

Locking the segment will allow you to keep control of its conditions so that no one can interfere with your work.

Note: only the creator of the segment can edit its conditions.

The next article is about: How to personnalize the views

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