Create your account

Create your account

Welcome to Successeve, the first Customer Lifecycle Management solution to provide actionable scores and analytics at each stage of the customer journey.

To get started, the first step will be to create an account, filling the following information:

• First name

• Last name

• Your business email

• Your password

Don’t forget to accept the Terms and Conditions ;-)

You will very quickly receive a confirmation email. If not, please check your spam box, otherwise feel free to get in touch with us!

Once your email is confirmed, please fill in the personal form with your phone number. We won’t spam you.

Congratulations, you are in!

Successeve allows you to manage the whole lifecycle. You can select a few focus points depending on your present needs.

For instance, you can choose to focus on :

  • Renewals
  • Trial Conversion
  • Customer adoption management
  • Churn Management
  • Analytics
  • Automations

The introductory information you provide here will help us gain a better understanding of your priorities and provide you with the best content and guides for optimal setup.

Now…the exciting part! Get ready to create your application.

We recommend you to use a name your team can understand such as Your_Domain - Production or your company name for instance.

The next article is about: Connect the data

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