Setup your company for growth

Leverage your data to maximize your Net Revenue Retention.

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Pipeline by Stages in product-led growth

Over 200+ teams worldwide rely on us.

Find expansion opportunities within your customer base

Drive conversion at scale
Improve your conversion rate by educating and nurturing your trials. Let your team assist them automatically or on 1:1 and convert your Product-Qualified Leads.
Improve your customer retention
Prevent your customers churn by learning from previous churners, taking the right actions, and implement success strategies to get your customers to renew.
Increase your customer expansion
Automatically detect expansion opportunities from your customers base and systematize the conversion into additional revenues.

Align your team around your customers needs

Maximize your value to your customers
Make sure your customer are getting full value out of your product by implementing cross-teams delightful journeys for your customers.
Define cross-team north-star metrics
Get your teams aligned around your most important success metrics. Measure the impact of each teams actions.
Ease your teams orchestration and collaboration
Get the product, marketing, sales and success teams collaborating around your customers needs thanks to a single productivity environment.

Be up to date, no matter the topic

Get notified of important matters
Receive in real-time or periodic notifications and alerts about your metrics and important topics such as churn prevention or revenue expansion.
Get instant view of your teams success / updates / actions
Centralize all your customers communications and teams actions within the Collaborative Inbox and get an instant access to the ongoing customer topics.
Track and share your success
Build and share custom dashboards highlighting the impact of each team on your revenues and the most impactful actions of your teams.
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#1 Customer Intelligence Platform
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